+ 27 11 839 2370

Dredger Hose

Truco supplies all the major dredge mining operations in Africa with high-quality, heavy-duty dredge hoses. These hoses are available with a variety of inner wear liners and liner thicknesses depending on the dredging conditions. The dredger hoses are designed to limit elongation and dilation from 0% to 2% under required working pressure.

  • Ideal for all dredging applications (mining, harbours & salt works)
  • Used in extremely high-wear applications
  • Truco is able to inset wear-resistant steel rings into hose for high abrasion applications
  • Inner bores up to 1 200 mm
  • Pressure ratings up to 2 000 kPa with a 4:1 safety factor
  • Flange configurations include a D-ring (beaded ring) & Truco's patented double flange design
  • Available with Truco's two-piece LDPE hose flotation system
  • Available with Truco's electronic wear detectors


Understand how Truco classifies and distinguishes its range of industrial hoses. Ensure efficient ordering with this guide. Click here.

Optimise your dredging tasks! Enquire now for faster service!

Send us your requirements using the STAMPED acronym:

S Size: The length and inside diameter?

T Temperature: Temperature of the medium transported?

A Application: What is the purpose of the hose?

M Material: What product will be conveyed through the hose?

P Pressure: The working pressure and the required safety margin?

E Ends: Are couplings required, and if so a detailed specification?

D Delivery: When is it needed?

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