+ 27 11 839 2370

Perrot & Storz Couplings

The couplings from Perrot, for agriculture, civil engineering, dewatering and general industry, and the Storz couplings, designed for industry and dewatering, complement Truco's range of rubber and PVC industrial hose. The couplings allow users to couple hose to hose or hose to fitting, whichever is necessary to suit your specific application requirements.

Truco stocks all popular sizes of Perrot and Storz type couplings, distributing them across South Africa and into Africa, complementing its comprehensive range of hose fittings.

125+ years of industry experience in Africa means Truco has the knowledge to provide only the most appropriate fittings for Africa's arduous conditions and tough climate. Because of this, only the highest-quality and best-renowned products form part of Truco's stockholding. The Perrot and Storz coupling are well received in Africa and form part of TRUCO's comprehensive stock holding and total hose solution strategy.


Perrot Couplings

  • Manufactured from galvanised steel
  • Rotation angle of 15°
  • Connection can be made with one hand only
  • Pressure and suction guaranteed
  • Truco upholds all Perrot coupling warranties

Perrot hose couplings are used in the agricultural and industrial sectors, and are widely used in the dewatering and civil engineering industries. Some benefits of these couplings include:

Storz Couplings:

Storz suction couplings have identical locking heads with no separate male or female halves. They are available with BSP male and female threads, or serrated hose tails for fitting into rubber hoses. Blank caps for shutting off delivery when the coupling is not in use forms part of this range of couplings. Their maximum working pressure is 16 bar (size and material dependant) and some benefits of these couplings include:

  • Speed of hose connection - lock the hose with a quarter turn only
  • Safer alternative to threaded couplings
  • Connecting faces and hooks are less prone to damage
  • Manufactured from brass or aluminium
  • Truco upholds all Storz coupling warranties

Storz couplings have been used by the German fire brigades since 1933 and, currently, all major fire hydrant manufacturers in the US offer Storz couplings as original equipment on their hydrants and provide the option to retrofit from thread to Storz.


Contact Truco for Perrot and Storz couplings throughout Africa!

Send us your requirements using the STAMPED acronym:

S Size: The length and inside diameter?

T Temperature: Temperature of the medium transported?

A Application: What is the purpose of the hose?

M Material: What product will be conveyed through the hose?

P Pressure: The working pressure and the required safety margin?

E Ends: Are couplings required, and if so a detailed specification?

D Delivery: When is it needed?

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