+ 27 11 839 2370

Proud Rubber Hose and Lining suppliers to the Tanzanian market

As a leading manufacturer of rubber hose in Africa, Truco provides durable, robust solutions for Tanzania's industrial transfer applications

Our rubber hose is engineered with leading liners and reinforcing to ensure a reliable, trouble-free operation over a long service life.

Truco's range of rubber hoses includes:


Understand how Truco classifies and distinguishes its range of industrial hoses. Ensure efficient ordering with this guide. Click here.

Get expert advice, plans and pricing for rubber hoses today!

Send us your requirements using the STAMPED acronym:

S Size: The length and inside diameter?

T Temperature: Temperature of the medium transported?

A Application: What is the purpose of the hose?

M Material: What product will be conveyed through the hose?

P Pressure: The working pressure and the required safety margin?

E Ends: Are couplings required, and if so a detailed specification?

D Delivery: When is it needed?

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