+ 27 11 839 2370

Rubber Hose Manufacturer in Botswana

Truco has established a reputation as a manufacturer of durable, robust rubber hoses in Botswana's industrial applications.

As a manufacturer of rubber hose in South and southern Africa, with a well-established presence in Botswana, Truco has a hose for every industrial application.

Truco's range of rubber hoses includes:

Get expert advice, plans and pricing for rubber hoses today!

Send us your requirements using the STAMPED acronym:

S Size: The length and inside diameter?

T Temperature: Temperature of the medium transported?

A Application: What is the purpose of the hose?

M Material: What product will be conveyed through the hose?

P Pressure: The working pressure and the required safety margin?

E Ends: Are couplings required, and if so a detailed specification?

D Delivery: When is it needed?

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