+ 27 11 839 2370

Specialised industrial hose for irrigation in Angola

Specialised industrial hose for irrigation in Angola, from Truco are available in rubber and PVC, ensuring you have the ideal industrial hose for typical and specialised irrigation applications.

Industrial hose for irrigation in Angola is durable, made from high-quality materials. These standards have entrenched Truco as the trusted manufacturer of specialised industrial hoses for irrigation in Angola.

Truco's Garden PVC industrial hoses, which come in 30-metre roll lengths as standard, are available for both domestic and industrial irrigation applications. Two sizes of specialised PVC industrial hose are held ex-stock, enabling you to choose the most appropriate irrigation hose for your application requirements.

All Truco's industrial hose products are all engineered and manufactured with high quality and high standard rubber polymers and compounds.



Send us your requirements using the STAMPED acronym:

S Size: The length and inside diameter?

T Temperature: Temperature of the medium transported?

A Application: What is the purpose of the hose?

M Material: What product will be conveyed through the hose?

P Pressure: The working pressure and the required safety margin?

E Ends: Are couplings required, and if so a detailed specification?

D Delivery: When is it needed?

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